Homeless with a Gym Membership

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Too Much Too Say

I know, I know I HAVE been putting off writing. And the sad thing is I have so much on my mind that I don't know where to begin or if I want to voice it in a public forum yet but this was the whole purpose of the blog to begin with. I need to write to sort it all out yes? YES! Damn, I just talked to myself and answered myself in writing.

I PROMISE I will spill my guts this week. Ooooo suspense! I am going to leave you hanging until I have a little more time to write.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Clean Bill of Health and Rest Too: An Ironic Tale

At the end of July I had a complete physical exam. This past Friday I went back to the doctor to hear the results of the lab tests. Well, I am happy to say my tests were stellar! My cholesterol went down 40 points since last year and is now a perfect 180, I am not pre-diabetic, my ticker is excellent and my blood pressure is low. As a matter of fact my physician said I am in "Fantastic health" and with that gave me a clean bill of health. I have to believe the work at the gym is really paying off in more ways than just my pant size.

As for achieving the three "R's" of adulthood (see previous blog entry) I finally got those too just not in the way I would have liked. This is a story of irony if I have ever told one...

The very same Friday I was told I was in fantastic health I went out with some friends for happy hour. I had three cosmopolitan martinis in three hours, one drink per hour (trust me this is nothing for me) and by 8:00pm I was hanging over a toilet, face down at the restaurant. Apparently I was the victim of someone who did not wash their hands before they touched something I consumed. SO SKEEVY!!! I got four days on the couch watching TV in between bathroom runs. I am sure I lost a ton of weight too because the only thing I could keep down was ice chips. At this point I am analyzing the positive aspects of being ill which is especially helpful when being poisoned by someone else's poo. E-gads!

Today is my first day back to work and I am feeling much better and will attempt to return to the gym to continue the road to good health.

Stay tuned...I am about to step back into the dating world.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Three "R"s of Adulthood

Remember back in elementary school the three Rs? They were Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Of course only one of those words starts with the letter R and this was my first indication that school in general was pretty much bogus.

I am inventing a new version of the three Rs the adult version. They are Regroup, Recharge and Relax and they ALL begin with the letter R (I always knew I was smarter than my teachers.) Lately I find myself with my eyes half closed and my brain on slow. I am so tired. I feel like I have given every bit of myself away and there is nothing left, I am running on empty. I need a vacation or a little time off from work and the gym. Some time to regroup, recharge and relax.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Good Weekend

Michael I know what you're thinking. You are thinking if it was such a good weekend why are you just getting around to writing about it Tuesday night?

I have not been posting as much because I am very busy at work these days and quite frankly by the time I get home the last thing I want to do is sit at a computer and think. My favorite time to post is at work because I am at a computer and I get paid. It allows me to believe for one half of a milla-second that I am getting one over on "The Man." But then I remember that I do not get paid anywhere close to what I am worth and I work a crap load of over time.

You know what I love about Las Vegas? I love that on a Saturday night I can pick up my girlfriend ride around town with the windows open and music blasting while we are singing our fool heads off. The evenings are warm and dry and even in the dead of Summer the nights feel great.

The plan: Amy and I were going to go to this new, hip club that just opened called "Cherry" at Red Rock Casino. The two of us do not usually hit the club scene anymore because both of us is getting old but for some reason this past Saturday night we both had the urge for some clubbing. Besides we figured it would be a cheap night because girls get in free at this particular place and that combined with our stunning good looks and our unbelievable charm we figured we wouldn't have to buy our own drinks.

8:30pm we arrive at our destination and our no clubbing, old asses have forgot that when we were young and used to go clubbing we didn't leave the house until 11:00- midnight... The club was not open yet. Duh! Oh Well. We decide to sit at a penny slot machine to people watch, drink the casino's free cocktails, chat about what is going on in our lives and wait for the club to open. We both put $20.00 in our machines to assure we would have a steady flow of the casino's cocktails and bet the minimum. Three hours later we were very silly girls, we got Chinese to go and walked, no stumbled back to Amy's house (which thank God is walking distance to the casino) giggling all the way. We had a GREAT night and the only money we spent that night was on our Chinese food...$5.00.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Boss is in Town

I actually like my boss he is driven, extremely smart and talented but the best word that describes him is INTENSE. He is also a Leo like me, if you believe in that sort of stuff. Not too many people like him but for some reason we jive and that is a good thing for me.

When the boss is in town even though like today I only spent a half a day with him I feel like I have been hit by a semi-truck. No, really, my eyes burn, my head hurts, my neck aches and my brain feels like it is fried. In the 3-4 hours I spent with him we did a weeks worth of developing, brain storming, trouble shooting, blah blah blah blah blah. It is quite literally non-stop. I'm taking notes, I'm listening, I'm looking, I'm multi-tasking and I am trying not to zone out. In general I am just trying to keep up. With all that said I am extremely thankful to be mentored by such a talented person. Cause Y'all, ain't nothin' better than a free edumacation.

Side Bar: This reminds me of when I was a little girl going to Catholic School. Every morning the entire school went to mass before school started and the school priest was a mean old son of a bitch (can you say that about a priest?). He would stop mass to single out students that were not looking directly at him at all times and scream at the top of his lungs, "IF YOU'RE NOT LOOKING YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!!" I swear I never took my eyes off that man. And to this day you will notice if someone is talking to me they have my full undivided attention and what is probably uncomfortably direct eye contact.

I digress...

Finally! He has left the office for the day and in his wake I look at my desk and it looks like a hurricane hit it and as for me, I don't know what the hell is going on.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Shew! Well, it has been almost a week since I posted. As I write this I wonder, has everyone abandoned me? I sure hope not. My life has been BUSY since my return home from California. I worked close to 70 hours last week and managed to put some time in at the gym. To date I have lost 17 pounds and 4% body fat. Yeah!!! But my biggest event last week happened on Thursday...

Thursday August 3, 2006 4:30am, I hear the shrill sound of my alarm clock, ugh. I have to be in the office at 6:00am for a conference call. I hate being the only west coast person in the company. All conference calls are based on east coast time. This is the third call at 6:00am this week and I am exhausted. My only saving grace is that I was suppose to receive a voice mail sometime in the night on my cell phone confirming the call is on...check the cell phone, no messages. I call the CTO who is not sure if the call is still on and he will call me back in 5 minutes... 5 minutes turns into 30 minutes. Awe hell, I'm awake now. Of course the call gets cancelled.

I turn on CNN, make coffee and figure out what I am going to wear. I decide to wear my spring green pants but before I do I must fix the hem that is falling. I get out my sewing kit, match the thread to the pants and begin sewing. When I finish I cut the thread and place the needle with the remaining thread hanging off of it back in the pin cushion, kitty jumps on the bed. As I am admiring my handy work the kitty jumps off the bed. Something is wrong, I can feel it.

I look over the other side of the bed where kitty jumped down and she looks fine but something still feels wrong. I get on the floor for a closer look and kitty takes off. Never does kitty run from me, something is definitely wrong. But what is it? I look in the pin cushion for the needle with the spring green thread hanging off of it and to my dismay it is gone. I run after kitty she will not even think of letting me get near her and I think to myself there is NO WAY a little cat like that could swallow a 2" sewing needle but the needle was no where to be found. Finally, I corner kitty and get a flashlight, pry open her mouth and take a look in, no needle, no thread. Did she really swallow it? I begged kitty to please tell me but today would not be the day she would speak.

I took kitty to the vet for an x-ray hoping and praying the needle would not be there but it was. The news was grim the needle had already made it's way to her stomach. The vet explained that they had a very skilled doctor on staff who would attempt to scope it out but if that didn't work they would have to cut her belly open to get it out. The surgery schedule was pretty booked that day so I left my kitty and went to work sobbing and angry that such a stupid thing happened.

Finally, at 12:00pm I get a call from the vet and they were able to get the needle out with the scope. Thank God! They gave the needle back to me with the spring green thread still hanging off of it. What an emotional day. I could not think of losing my pretty little kitty that day. Aren't animals and pets such a blessing and a joy in our lives? Today I am blessed to still have mine.

Michael - I am putting in my suggestion for your new son. I think he should be named Murdock. What have you come up with?