Homeless with a Gym Membership

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Don't Vote Republican!?

Ah yes, a political blog. Definitely not a novel idea as the majority of blogs are about politics but this week it is certainly apropos.

I was raised in a family that loves to debate politics. Maybe not my immediate family so much but my extended family on my mother's side loves to have a good political smackdown.

My first political memories happened in Arlington, VA. Arlington is a suburb of Washington, DC and because family members on both my mother's and father's side lived there it was my second home. Of course I could easily make this a cute and cuddly story and say my first memories of politics are when I first saw the White House or the presidential memorials but I am not a cute and cuddly person and neither is politics.

My very first memory is a little fuzzy but this is what I remember: It was in my Aunt KathyKathleen's kitchen (before it was remodeled). I was a pre-teen and the family was gathered for Thanksgiving (this was the good ole days when Uncle Phil and Aunt Patsy were there too). I remember Aunt Kathy sitting at the kitchen table and my Uncle Fred standing by the side by side refrigerator with the Vegemite magnet on it. Dressed in my pajamas ready for bed I walked in to a debate about politics. I don't know what they were debating but I remember thinking they sounded smart and I made a mental note to self; that when I grow up I am going to learn about politics so I can sound smart too.

Another early memory is when I learned that my mother is a republican and my father a registered democrat who votes republican and in our house you didn't talk about politics or who you voted for just as you didn't discuss how much money people made. Perhaps the taboo placed on political affiliations perked my interest even more as a young girl.

That brings us to today. So, did I ever get interested in politics? Hell yes! You know why? Because it makes me sound smart! And as a woman living in this country it is my DUTY AND RIGHT to vote!

I am my father's child in the fact that I am registered as one affiliation but vote another... so what. I didn't know what the hell I was doing when I registered to vote at 18 during my school lunch. And unlike my immediate family I am going to tell you what some of my political views are.

I am a registered Republican but I vote Democrat. The first time I voted after turning 18 I helped vote President Bill Clinton into office for his first term. I oppose the Iraq war and I took great pride this week when I voted a straight ticket for the Democratic party. I, like a lot of the country wanted to give George W. Bush a big F You! It will be interesting to see what the democrats come up with in regards to this big mess we're in over there. I also voted to legalize marijuana in Nevada. I don't smoke it (anymore) but I think it would be cool if it were legal. While standing in line waiting to vote an older gentlemen working at my polling site was excited and stood up on a chair and yelled, "Nevada is coming out to vote tonight!" Even with 20 electronic voting machines I had to wait 20 minutes and when he said that I got choked up. I don't force my political views on other people because one of the many things that make this country great is that we are allowed the freedom to have differences of opinion. However, I love a good debate. And while I am on the subject I want to say that a good debate never gets personal. It is an automatic win for the person who is personally attacked because obviously the other person is not intelligent enough to support his/her argument without the personal attacks.

Do not forget to think about and pray for our Veterans and troops on this Veteran's Day weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I decided to see if you started writing again. Wow! I think you should apply for Andy Rooney's job on 60 Minutes when he kicks the bucket. I don't think he'll ever retire. Be ready. They will want YOU!

5:30 PM  

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