Homeless with a Gym Membership

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Name in Lights...Kinda

All of my life I have struggled with my name. After 32 years of spelling my first and last name and correcting the pronunciation of my last name I just don't do it anymore.

I remember as a child, one day I asked my Mom why she gave me an unusual spelling for my first name combined with an equally unusual last name? She told me it was a name she could see in lights and I of course envisioned it on a Broadway marquee in all it's glory Jenefer Edelen starring as ...

Have you ever Googled your name? I realize if you have a common name it would not make much since to do this but with a name like Jenefer Edelen you either hit or you don't. It is my knowledge that this blog is in someway owned by Google and I wondered if I Googled my name if anything would come up. Well guess what? It did and not because of this blog. I can Google Jenefer Edelen and TWO yes, that's right TWO things come up about me. One is.... awe hell you can Google me and see for yourself. But there it was Jenefer Edelen in all it's Glory. No, it wasn't on a Broadway marquee but in someway it made me feel as if I had achieved some sort of technological stardom and my name was in lights...kinda. The lights of my computer monitor.


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